Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Canis Major (CMa)  ·  Contains:  HD52212  ·  HD52384  ·  HD52507  ·  HD52565  ·  HD52590  ·  HD52591  ·  HD52640  ·  HD52694  ·  HD52721  ·  HD52745  ·  HD52774  ·  HD52802  ·  HD52891  ·  HD52940  ·  HD52941  ·  HD52942  ·  HD52966  ·  HD52983  ·  HD53010  ·  HD53034  ·  HD53035  ·  HD53059  ·  HD53060  ·  HD53086  ·  HD53159  ·  HD53179  ·  HD53209  ·  HD53240  ·  HD53302  ·  HD53303  ·  And 403 more.
Winter is almost gone... the Seagull and the Thor's helmet, Luigi Fontana
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Winter is almost gone... the Seagull and the Thor's helmet

Winter is almost gone... the Seagull and the Thor's helmet, Luigi Fontana
Powered byPixInsight

Winter is almost gone... the Seagull and the Thor's helmet



Acquisition details



***** ENG. Another wonderful night from the "Dalai Lama" camping in the Aosta valley. HOO image of the Seagull Nebula, with the (much smaller!) Thors' helmet.  Postprocessing, was a reral nightmare because of a loose adapter, that made different part of the frame out-of-focus in a different way. My magnificent PixInsight Master  @Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo) solved each issue. Three hours exposure per channel.

SQM 21,1, Bortle 4-5

***** ITA. Altra bellissima notte dal campeggio "Dalai Lama" in Valle d'Aosta. Immagine HOO della nebulosa "Gabbiano", dove si vede anche la molto più piccola "Elmo di Thor". L'elaborazione sembrava senza speranza. A causa di un raccordo lasco varie parti del frame avevano difetti diversi. Ma il magnifico @Edoardo Luca Radice (Astroedo)ce l'ha fatta anche stavolta! 180 minuti di posa per canale.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Winter is almost gone... the Seagull and the Thor's helmet, Luigi Fontana